Inspired Nonprofit Leadership

Inspired Nonprofit Leadership is now hosted by Sarah Olivieri.

Continue listening for tips and strategies for nonprofit leaders.

Episode 012: HR Mistakes Nonprofits Should Avoid

My guest today is Karen Mathews Radau. Karen is deeply experienced in human resources consulting, organizational development, and executive coaching. Many nonprofits are unable to have even part-time staff dedicated to human resources management. I know from my own experience how valuable it can be to have someone to call for consultation and reassurance you are making the right decisions. We disc…

Episode 011: 3 Key Factors in Board Improvement

This is a bonus episode – a moment with Mary. In this episode, Mary shares what her research and that of others has shown are three critical success factors for improving a board of directors. Some nonprofit leaders have little trouble articulating what they think should, or could, be better about their boards. But, even if you are one who knows where you want your board to go, the challenge may b…

Episode 010: Communication mistakes nonprofit leaders make

My guest for this episode is Theresa Kiernan. Theresa has over 20 years of corporate training experience. She is a consultant and coach in communications and leadership. Theresa has been an executive director in three nonprofits and a board member for several as well. She likes having fun and creating a safe environment where people can let down their guard. In this episode, we talk about communic…

Episode 009: Nonprofit Life Cycles and Board Life Stages

My guest for this episode is Mike Burns. Mike began his career as an executive director of a community health center and now has over 20 years’ experience as a nonprofit manager. Since 1994 Mike has been an organizational development consultant and partner in BWB Solutions. Since 2017 Mike has been faculty in the University of New Haven’s Nonprofit Management Certificate Program. Mike’s consulting…

Episode 008: Addressing staff or board member conflicts of interest

This is a bonus episode – a moment with Mary. In this episode, Mary talks about how conflicts of interest come up in nonprofits – both with staff and board members and what to consider when addressing them.

Free Guide: 6 Steps You Must Know to Unleash
the Potential of Your Nonprofit Board

Let’s Talk


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