As a nonprofit executive director/CEO, your job is important but it’s not easy. It’s likely you work long hours and wish you had more resources to do all the great things you want to strengthen and grow your nonprofit.

One of the most important resources you have is your board of directors. Or at least the board can be one of your most important resources.

I’m dedicated to providing you that resource and supporting your success. I wrote Love Your Board! for you.

When you buy a copy you’ll also get access to more than $2,000 in tools and resources to help you unleash the full potential of your board for powerful mission impact.

Get your FREE Report:

6 Steps You Must Know to Unleash the Potential of Your Nonprofit Board

You deserve a great board—a board that’s supports you as a thought partner, with members who are strategic thinkers and committed to ensuring your nonprofit has the resources and connections needed to advance its mission. You’re passionate about the needs your nonprofit addresses. What’s possible for you with a great board? Get your free report to learn how to get started with creating a board you love.
Get your FREE Report:

6 Steps You Must Know to Unleash the Potential of Your Nonprofit Board

Here’s how I can help you unleash the potential of your board!

Each week, I share
tips you can use!

About Mary

I have been involved with nonprofit organizations for over forty years. I began as a volunteer, helping people with mental illness with practical daily living. I went from volunteer to staff to executive director.

As an executive director, I led two mergers of my nonprofit with others and ultimately led a mental health agency with 530 staff. I truly “grew up” in nonprofits: from a $100,000 budget to leading a nonprofit with a budget of $26 million.

I understand first-hand the challenges nonprofit executives face day after day. I deeply care about nonprofits and the well-being and effectiveness of people like you who lead them.


What Clients Say

The results for our board were great with Mary as our board development consultant.

“We didn’t have processes in place for the board to be effective. For example, nothing for recruiting new board members – you know – instead of a friend of a friend. It took her a nanosecond to earn the respect of the board. It was obvious that she was there to listen and help us build a better organization. Today we have new bylaws and everyone has bought into the strategic plan. We have board processes in place, a governance committee, and a wonderful collegial group thanks to Mary. It was a fantastic experience and I can’t say enough for what she has done for our organization.”

Beverley Lambert
President & CEO, Orchestra Nova

Helped Trustees develop their own solutions and keep us all on track

“We asked Mary to help us improve board effectiveness, particularly how our committees function. Mary was just the experienced, resourceful, non-nonsense facilitator we needed for our retreat. She helped us identify clear goals and set accountability. She commanded respect but did not lecture; she helped trustees develop their own solutions and offered guidance as needed to keep us all on track. I am already seeing change.”

Olaf Jorgenson
Executive Director, Almaden Country Day School

We’ve worked with Mary on several occasions over the years on Board development and more

“Each time it proved to be a game-changer for our nonprofit. Good things happened that changed the way we do business and treat each other. We hope to partner with Mary again soon!”

Mindy Berkowitz, MSW, MA
Executive Director, Jewish Family Services Silicon Valley

In a very short period of time, Mary got us organized, aligned, and in action

“We asked Mary to help us improve board effectiveness, particularly how our committees function. Mary was just the experienced, resourceful, non-nonsense facilitator we needed for our retreat. She helped us identify clear goals and set accountability. She commanded respect but did not lecture; she helped trustees develop their own solutions and offered guidance as needed to keep us all on track. I am already seeing change.”

Dorsey Moore
CEO, San Jose Conservation Corps & Charter School

I recommend Mary to any executive director who wants a strong partnership with the board

“My Board and I sought out Mary for her expertise and understanding of nonprofit governance during a time when we needed to strengthen the relationship between the board and me. Mary’s communication skills and deep understanding of the board/executive relationship helped us bridge our communication gap and define boundaries and expectations. As a result of our work with Mary, I feel very supported by the board and we have a good process for negotiating and reviewing performance goals together. Mary’s work with us was excellent, valuable, and impactful. I recommend Mary to any executive director who wants a strong partnership with the board.”

Kimberly Ferm
Executive Director, Pajaro Valley Shelter Services

Let’s Talk


Experiencing challenges? Schedule your free consultation with Mary today.


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