“Concentrate all your thoughts on the work at hand. The Sun’s rays do not burn until brought into focus.”                                            Alexander Graham Bell

This quote inspired me to write about goals again.  You know you will achieve what you focus on so be sure to bring the power of focus (like the burning rays of the sun) to the implementation of your goals. It works. But, I’ve learned it is not enough.

I hate to admit it but last year I set a weight loss goal (not very original!)  But I wasn’t mindful of 5 pitfalls about goals. (I was reminded of them this year by Darren Hardy, Publisher of Success magazine.)   It was #2 below that tripped me up. Check these out as you think about what you personally accomplished (or didn’t) last year and what you expect to achieve in 2015. (You have written your 2015 goals right?) Then circle back and with your executive director or board member hat on, consider how these may apply to your current strategic plan goals!

1.  Too many.  A long laundry list of goals is daunting.

2.  Too soon. You expect to accomplish a lot too soon.  Remember that small steps over time work best!  If you are overly ambitious you are likely to lose traction and be disillusioned with yourself.

3.  Too much discipline. If your goal requires too much will power it is tough to keep momentum.

4.  Too rigid. Give yourself some room for error. Get back on track fast when you have an inevitable setback.

5.  Too vague.  You won’t benefit from small successes if you don’t (or can’t) measure your progress.

Is something missing here based on your experience?  Please share your ideas and comments with the rest of us.





Evaluate the goals you have set for this year with these in mind.