My guest for this episode is Carol Hamilton.

Carol grew up overseas and learned at an early age that cultures vary and there are few absolutes.  Living in the world between her home American culture and European culture, she became a student of history, culture and language. Carol is fascinated with ways to better understand human organizing systems and the cultures that emerge within these systems.

Carol is the younger sister of a brother with special needs. Observing how the world treated him, interacted with his difference and how in many cases systems were not set up with him in mind helped me appreciate the challenges of those that our society marginalizes.

Both of these experiences drew her to the nonprofit sector. Carol has more than 25 years of experience in the association and nonprofit sectors. Her consulting business, Grace Social Sector Consulting, helps nonprofits and associations become more strategic and innovative for greater mission impact. You can check that out  at:

Carol speaks and trains frequently on leadership, strategy and innovation topics. She graduated from Swarthmore College and has her Masters in Organization Development from American University. She has a certificate in design thinking from University of Virginia’s Darden School of Business.

Carol and Mary explore Carol’s experience with and advice about leadership transitions in nonprofit organizations–and not just executive director transitions.

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