My guest for this episode is Maria Nicolacoudis.

Maria has twenty-five years of experience working in mental health, providing workforce development and rehabilitation services for youth and adults with disabilities.  She has developed model, local, and state-wide service programs and social enterprises and served as a corporate consultant for integrated workforce issues.

Currently Maria is the Executive Director of Hearts & Minds Activity Center. Hearts & Minds Activity Center is dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related conditions by providing safe, nurturing intergenerational services and a rich network of support.  Maria is responsible for program, staff, and financial administration as well as fundraising and executive leadership.

Prior to joining Hearts & Minds Activity Center, Maria was the Executive Director of Expandability for eighteen years and has served on several Boards and commissions. She was a Governor’s appointee to the California Governor’s Committee for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities and an appointee of the California State Secretary of Health and Human services to the California Committee for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities where she served as chair for four years.

Maria has an MA from Santa Clara University in Counseling Psychology, and post-graduate certification in Rehabilitation Management from San Diego State University.

In this episode, Maria and I discuss her experience stepping into the executive director role following a founder and her insights about transitioning a nonprofit from a founder’s culture.

Learn more by going to: Hearts and Minds Activity Center

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